XIII Annual Meeting Kreston BSG® 2024
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- XIII Annual Meeting Kreston BSG® 2024
Published on Monday, February 12, 2024
On January 25, 2024, Kreston’s BSG® partners and managers met in the CDMX to hold the Annual Meeting and review the actions derived from the Firm's Strategic Planning.
For the first time in our history, Kreston’s BSG® the nine offices managers were summoned to this annual meeting with the goal of exchanging ideas and creating synergies to improve the work quality as well as share knowledge and experiences, mainly.
Gathered on the the Hilton Santa Fe Hotel 15th floor terrace, partners and managers had the first approach in a welcome dinner where many of the attendees had the opportunity to greet each other for the first time in an atmosphere full of warmth. Francisco Bracamonte gave a welcome speech, thanking everyone for their presence, as well as inviting all attendees to interact and create professional and friendly ties.
The next day, we met for executive activities, we started with the reading of the agenda and then both managers and partners met in simultaneous rooms to review the following:
Partner’s lounge
Francisco Bracamonte, served as moderator of the following transcendental topics:
- Financial matters: The approved and exercised budgets of the Marketing, Human Capital and Administration areas were reported. In addition, revenue behavior per service and per office was also reported in order to analyze the growth we have experienced.
- Technical committee’s ratification and analysis about their functioning: The technical committee’s impact was reviewed, as well as the ratification of the chairmen for each of them, and the new strategies for this year.
- About the legal practice quality control process review: Luis Avila, partner responsible for the legal area of the Firm explained some ideas to standardize the legal service offered in the different offices of Kreston BSG® in Mexico and improve the quality control process to ensure the level of excellence that we must achieve.

Managers' lounge
- Talk "Leadership and the generational challenge at Kreston BSG" by Lizet García: In this space we had the opportunity to get to know each other, to talk about a transcendental topic in the Firm, how are they composed and what characterizes the generations that currently make up the workforce of Kreston BSG®? It was a space where the debate was opened, and we agreed that both millennials and centennials and other generations bring value and unique experiences.

- Conference "Conscious and Coherent Integration" by Michael Zarebski: This out of the ordinary lecture led us to reflection and focused on strengthening internal connection and teamwork. It addressed the importance of recognizing our interconnectedness and how to face challenges through team bonding and cohesion, especially in an ever-changing world that demands high adaptability. The relevance of soft skills in this context was explored.

Afterwards, we enjoyed a coffee break to recharge our batteries and review the following topics in a joint room with partners and managers:
- Strategic planning 2024 - 2028 by Francisco Bracamonte: In this space we had the opportunity to let the Firm's leaders know the pillars of action for our future in Kreston BSG®, as well as to understand where we are going as a Firm and how we will work together to achieve the objectives period after period. The 3 strategic priorities will focus on:
- Growth and positioning
- Developing Kreston leaders
- Technological innovation

- Quality highlights by Juan Espinosa: An overview of international quality control reviews was presented, as well as the observations made by the head office, Kreston Global, to our Firm in order to take concrete actions to correct those areas that require improvement.
- Marketing results 2023 and Marketing Plan 2024 by Estefanía Cuahutle: The results of each strategy were presented, as well as the impact achieved locally, nationally, and internationally. The new plan was also presented, in line with the strategic planning.
- Results of Human Capital 2023 and Human Capital Plan 2024 by Lizet García: The results of each strategy were also presented, always based on the impact of talent management and organizational development at the local and national level, as well as the new plan in line with strategic planning.
The conference "Conscious and Coherent Leadership" by Michael Zarebski to the partners of the different offices was the moment that marked the closing of the executive activities. This conference represented a unique opportunity to begin the personal and professional transformation of each of our leaders. In addition, the importance of a leadership that is not only effective, but also conscious and in tune with the values and goals of the modern company was discussed. We explored what it really means to be a conscious leader in a world full of global challenges and constant change, highlighting how this understanding can be the beginning of a significant transformation at all levels. We focused our attention on the crucial skills that leaders need to develop to excel in this dynamic environment, with a particular emphasis on the need for a clear, renewed, and adapted business purpose.
To conclude activities, we had a farewell dinner, where there were moments of interaction among all attendees, getting to know each other beyond a professional environment, generating networking to forge long-term personal and professional relationships. In addition, awards were given to offices in different categories, such as:

We thank the presence of each of the attendees who always were receptive and enthusiastic in the sessions, thank you for contributing to the continued success of our Firm. All these actions will guide our path towards growth and excellence.
Working together, we can overcome any obstacle and achieve exceptional results.

Our goal is to build a network of trust with our clients to be the support in achieving business objectives. We are a network of firms with a presence in more than 115 countries, experts in offering tax, auditing, legal and accounting consulting services at national and international level. Everything written in this space is for the benefit of the readers; however, for a correct application of specific topics it is necessary to refer to our specialists. For more information visit www.krestonbsg.com.mx